Option A
55 %
Option B
24 %
Option C
21 %
Showing 100/100 responses
Public    01 Sep 2020
  55 Responses to Option A     24 Responses to Option B     21 Responses to Option C  
1. Very cool and unique design
2. Very nice product
3. I believe option 1 conveys the app to both genders, and enables the viewer to picture themselves in it. Option 3 I believe also induces a feeling of seeing yourself using the app, but is gender based and may not work for both sexes. Option 2 I believe says the least about the app and makes it seem like a cheap cell phone company by the look of it.
4. Option 1 easily looks the most professional AND the most inviting in terms of the consumer. Option 2 is merely ok, while Option 3 is creepy, especially with the lone female silhouette being coated in purple!
5. i like that icon
6. app icon shows
7. most like this app
8. The first choice is the only good choice because the picture accurately represents the app
9. option 1 looks to be the most intimate and creative
10. NICE
11. i like all this option in orderwise so i like that very much
12. I chose the second option since the icon design is the one that most closely resembles an app icon, which should be simple. The second option is fine, but it is a bit overloaded and the name of the app is not read. I did not like the pink color in the third option.
13. The images in the background describes what the app is for
14. attractive looking different its just a normal font
15. its was so good for dating
16. I prefer three app because it is very easy to use and we can find many girl friend for chatting
17. in my own thoughts about choose this option.
18. pleasure to see the icon it is very romantic and perfect for dating
19. becasue i like this app
20. i like its.
21. Option 1 is more appealing and the best
22. the first icon is very appealing and attractive
23. 1
24. good image to explain
25. clear visible picture not attractive
26. connecting a relationship
27. Option 1 would be appealing to all sexual preferences and has a pleasant, playful design. Option 2 is a bit bland, but still inclusive. Option 3 kind of seems to make the app appear as if it's focused on men looking for love.
28. singles around me is a good app to dating , its safe and enjoy your dathing.
29. All these icons are looking very much attractive because these all are systematically better.
30. Option 1
31. Option 3 has great colors, so it attracts the eye, plus it is an attractive female to me. Option 1 explains that the app will be focused on phones, instead of the computer, so it is informative. Option 2 looks a bit plain and blurry to me, so I wouldn't click it.
32. Dating apps have redefined how people meet and date.
34. more attractice and clear
35. I like the friendly feeling of the first one with the picture of the couple the best. The second one I like because the little heart makes it look cute. I like the graphics of the third, but I think the color of purple clashes a little with the shade of orange.
36. pleasure to see the icon .it is very romantic and perfect
37. I like option #1 the most because the main idea of the app icon is related to singles and the picture showing single people makes it stand out more. Option #3 was my second favorite because it is very feminine and appeals to a single girl's mindset like a diary. I chose option #2 lastly because it is too blurry. I did not like this one.
38. more then time
39. good
40. Option 3 Has The Clear View Of What is this app for. Option 1 is just like option 3 but it is looking like some messaging app. Option 2 just showing it's title.
41. my own
43. I don't like #3 because it looks like the cover of a woman-focused self-published romance novel. #1 is okay, but makes things look a little competitive. #2 is a bit bland, but doesn't have the problems with the other two.
44. I preferr the logos without the silhouettes of people. The orange logo with the cityscape in the background is better than the one with the pink woman figure.
45. its better
46. Option one look more suitable for the dating app it has a image of both the man and a woman. Option 3 follows it look better than option 2 for it has a image of a woman on it while option 3 comes last it has no image just words.
47. I think they are all fine I like the colors on the apps
48. gender image denoted/girl is chat persons/heard symbol say single emotion
49. its attracted by yongsters
50. I like option 1 because it shows 2 people with their phones sending signals looks easy. Then option 3 has a girl with her phone and seems like she is able to find a date easily. Then option 2 there is no person it just says singles around me alone it doesn't seem very easily.
51. The first one is simple, clear, and will be easy to understand on a small phone screen. The second one is ok but beat #3 for sure. I don't care for the pink female on a phone image.
52. I like the icons in this order 2, 1 then 3 I like 2 the most because it is easy to id at a glance the name is clear. 1 is my second choice because it looks the most fun if I cant have clean and simple would rather have fun. 3 is my last choice it trys to be both clean and fun and fails.
53. I would definitely go for option 1 because it all has icon for both single gender
54. Out of the three, I think the first one is the only one that really stands out to me. Both 2 and 3 seemed stretched and blurry with the picture seeming to be forced into the square. The first one is the only one that looks really nice.
55. none
56. I prefer Option 1 Reason First Icon looking Good More Two Icon It's Average Look
57. I like very well in the picture.So i choose the picture.
59. these are looking good and more attractive for me
60. The pictures are very clear to explain symbol of dating. So I select that
61. The reason why I chose #3 as my first option is the colors really stood out. The second is because he shows people communicating. My third choice was #2 because it doesn’t really show what the app is about
62. i chose the one with a stronger message first and will be captivating
63. dating app this app is good icon. so select the app
64. first one stands out and has modern design
65. i like so much
66. I prefer the icon with the image of the woman holding her cell phone. this image is more appropriate for a dating app.
67. i just liked this dating app. it just impressed me
68. Based on attraction of pictures
69. Option 1 has the best general organization, and is more inclusive based on the representations of different genders (even if only 2). The image also has the best resolution. Option 2 is low resolution, and is not at visually stimulating. Option three almost purports itself as only being for women given the visual information it conveys, and is also low resolution. The color choice is also disjunctive, as the purple seems very out of place in the overall color scheme.
70. I think the graphics in option 1 are the best. I think the pink hair in option 3 is eye-catching. I think option 2 is too simple.
71. option 1 is more clear than option 3 & 2. because it has clear view of the same
73. option one includes both men and women.
74. Choice 1 was my top pick because I like how it shows two people in the image. That they are both using the app on the phone to find each other as singles in the big city. It shows that you can find someone no matter how many people are around by using the app. It also has the best quality to it as well. Choice 3 was second because I liked the woman on her phone like she was using it to browse as it adds something to the image. Choice 2 was last because it is too plain just being text compared to the other two.
76. all nice app
77. good survey
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79. nice
80. Option one is by far the best, it has a nice visual look, text is readable. Option 2 above 3 because I think 3 just looks bad. Unless it is an app focused primarily for women, then I guess Option 3 is appropriate, otherwise it just doesn't feel right.
81. Option one is cleaner looking and more professional. The other two are ok but they look gimicky and I don't like them as much. I'd much rather have a clean look to a dating app.
82. 1 is more broad, showing many people. 2 is plain text with a few icons thrown in. 3 shows that its strictly for ladies.
83. 1 is attractive, 2 is simple, 3 is modern
84. good
85. I like very well in the picture.So i choose the picture.
86. option 1 looks perfect for the app because of its resolution and also its design
87. The first one seems more professional, which is important for this kind of stuff.
88. this pictures are very suitable for this app
89. It's the only one that contains a picture of both a boy and girl.
90. image quality, letter
91. Option 1 icon is very clear and detailed.
92. all that is goood i like it
93. the option 1 icon is so clear picture and convey the message of the purpose of the app the option 3 is little blur but convey the detail the option 2 is very simple
94. Singles around me app tops in this list followed by others
95. I selected the girl only icon because, as male, that attracts me to the icon more. The next one was selected because it appeared as if the two people were connecting. The third option was only selected because I had to pick all three.
96. I prefer the second options because its make sense compared to other two. 3rd option is good because there is single lady shows singles. The first one is very normal so not much interest.
97. I do not really like the silhouettes of the people in the ads, they like unreal and creepy. They are unnecessary. I understand what the product is by the name, I do not need the visuals.
98. Because these are attractive while seeing this icon
99. I like 1 as it shows a connection being made. The end goal is to meet another person and the icon shows people using their phone and connecting. I put 3 last as I don't really like the style of the woman. The design and the color is very unattractive. 2 is OK but a bit boring and bland. I feel like 1 would catch my eye in an app store and shows me what the app is about without needing further detail.
100. Option 1 seems like the most balanced choice, the colors and fonts blend in well with the background. The outlined people with wifi symbols beaming off their devices really stands out. The buildings in the background are a nice touch. The contrast and blending of these shades of yellow, orange, and red really play well against each other. The color pallet is nice and everything looks well put together. Option 3 does not entertain me as much because the purple colors against yellow and red do not blend well. The font is way too big and it doesn't mesh well. I did not really like the design of this logo. Option 2 is the most basic design and while it is simple, it does not appeal much to me. It's just words and no imagery to play off the concept.

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